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Sales, Marketing, Training  and have been involved in managing and owning many types of businesses; from a Gift Shop, Sub Post Office, Florist Shop,  Alternative Healing Centre, Business Consultant, Computer Consultant, Computer Retail Businesses and Computer Training Schools with International locations. Our Computer Training Schools   provided training for the Canada Government Employment, Social Service, Ontario Disability and many Foreign Students. Received Top Recognitions from International Computer Manufacturers for Awards of Excellence. Over 23 Years of Business and Computer Experience. Martial Art Trainer.  Tuition Instructor.



MBA, Master of Commerce(Business Management – Bridge Water University UK )

Diploma: Business Management

Diploma in Computer Technology, Computer Science from Algonquin College

Computer Certifications: A+, Network +, MCP, MCP+I,

M.C.S.E+I, MCSE Windows 2000 Certified,

Cisco Certified, Microsoft Database Administrator Certified

Windows 95, 98, ME, NT & 2000 Pre-installation Specialist

Windows 98, NT, 2000 Sales Training Certified

DSC Power 832 Technician and TEFL


Technical Expertise


Test Administrator – Monitoring exams.

Accounting – Book Keeping, Inventory Control, Invoicing and System Design.

Training in Computer Courses.

Teacher and Mentor .

Sales in Home Hardware.

Computer Sales.

Alarm Sales and Installing .

Foot Spa and Ion Detox Technician.  

Martial Art Trainer.

Import and Export.

MLM Leader.

Business and Computer Consulting.


Technical Expertise

Software (OS) : Atari OS, Commodore OS, TRS 80 OS, Interact OS, PDP OS, VAX OS and Cyber OS and  MS Dos 3.2 - 6.22, Windows 3.1/3.11, Windows for Workgroups 3.11, All versions of Windows ( 95, 98, ME, XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1,10 ),  Windows NT and Win 2000. 

Networking:  Installation & configuration of NICs, including PNP, Network   

                       terminology, configured Artisoft’s Lantastic networks, 

                       Windows for Workgroups, Novel Lite/Personal & Novell 3.12,

                       Windows 95/98, Windows NT Server/Workstation, Workstation

                       and Windows 95, XP, 7, 8, 8.1,10 computers as clients.  Cabling and

                       wiring installations of RG58, RG59, RJ11 and RJ45 cables.


Internet:       Internet & Intranet concepts, Web page authoring, HTML

                       programming, FTP, Website Designing.                                  

                       Browsers: Netscape, Chrome, Firefox & Internet Explorer.

                        Equipment:   Familiar with a wide range of Manufacturers and their products some         

                       include IBM, Aptiva, Compaq, NEC, DELL, Micron, AST, Packard Bell, HP, Epson, Canon,  

                       3Com, Adaptec, Intel, Cyrix, AMD, Microsoft, Lotus,  Sony, Panasonic, QMS, Samsung,  

                       Seagate, Quantum, Fujitsu, SMC, Toshiba, US Robotics, Supra, Western Digital, Conner,

                       Maxtor, Corel …


Proven Training:    Taught Courses on Internet and Web Page Design,       

                                 Introduction to the Computers,  Windows all versions from 3.1 

                                 onwards, Networking Concepts, Computer Technician 

                                 ( Including Assembly of Computers ), Microsoft Office,  Using

                                  Email and IT Courses. Operating  a Business ( Including  

                                  Setting up, Advertising, Accounting, Purchasing, Inventory

                                  Control, Marketing, Point of Sale, and Management )

                                  Sales, Motivation Training, Network Marketing (MLM), 

                                  English Courses,  Alternative Healing, Martial Art Trainer.

                                  Tuition Instructor, and  etc.                       




Programming:    Atari Basic, Interact Basic, TRS 80 Basic, Microsoft Basic,

                              VAX Basic, Cyber Basic, Visual Basic, GW Basic, Dbase,

                             JCL,  Microsoft Access,  and Batch Files.

Ali Institute of Technology

Ali Institute of Technology

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