Background: Seamstress, Taylor, Dressmaker since 1989 and have been involved in Business Management. Also in Accounting, Computer Sales and Servicing. She was involved in Network Marketing. She was also part of many Non-Profit Organizations.
Certifications: Master of Commerce(in Business Administration from Bridge Water University , UK)MBA, Computer Technician with Comptia A+ Certification. Certificate & Diploma advanced Dressmaking. United States License Test Administrator ( Vue and Sylvain Prometric ). Typewriting Certificate from Pitman London England, Computer World (Guyana) – Certificate in Advanced Wordprocessing, Database Management, Programming, Microsoft Word, Spreadsheet Management, IBM-PC. TVO Certificate in Accounting
Technical Expertise:
Seamstress, Tayloring, Dressmaking and Designing
Computer Technician with Comptia A+ Certification( Repairing and Servicing Computers )
Test Administrator – Monitoring exams
Accounting – Book Keeping, Inventory Control, Invoicing
Tutoring Elementary School Level
Training in Computer Courses, Sewing Courses, Cooking Courses ( Canadian, American, West Indies Food Style )
Sales in Home Hardware, Computer Sales, Drapery designs and Sales, Natural
Products, Home Furnishings and Kitchen Supplies.
Foot Spa and Ion Detox Technician. Avazzia Scanner Technician to relieve pain.
Seamstress/Taylor/Dressmaker in Ottawa is experience in this field since 1989
Blinds, Curtains, Drapes, Costumes, Uniforms, and Basic Embroidery. We make Children, Ladies and Men clothing with your own material: Pants, Shirt, Dress, Jacket, Bride’s Maid, Cushion, Shalwar, Islamic Clothes: Head covering, Haji, Umrah and Malaysia Clothes. Christian Clothes, Buddha Clothes, Indian Clothes, African Clothes, Wedding Clothes, Sew Chair throw (or Covering) and More.
Pants bottom, Dress bottom, Dress sides, Zipper Replacement, Button or Button hole, Reduce Shoulder, Shorten Sleeve Coat or Jacket Sleeve, Tops, Skirts, Shorts, Bride’s Maid, Evening Gown and more.
Blinds, Curtains, Drapes, Costumes, Uniforms, and Basic Embroidery. We make Children, Ladies and Men clothing with your own material: Pants, Shirt, Dress, Jacket, Bride’s Maid, Cushion, Shalwar, Islamic Clothes: Head covering, Haji, Umrah and Malaysia Clothes. Christian Clothes, Buddha Clothes, Indian Clothes, African Clothes, Wedding Clothes, Sew Chair throw (or Covering) and More.
( In leather, Vinyl or Cloth )
Home and Office Furniture (Couch and Chairs ), Vehicle Interiors ( Car, Van, Truck, Motorcycle, RV, Boats Seats), Aircraft Interiors, Train and More.